Monday, August 1, 2011

Homebirth on the Rise!

I have to say I was a little bit shocked and pleased to see a story about home birth on Good Morning America this morning. The journalist doing the report disclosed that she was born at home in the 70's but certainly that "trend" did not continue much past then and has been openly discredited by the medical community for years. However, in just the last couple of years, the documentary by Ricki Lake and Abby Epstein called "The Business of Being Born" has had a major impact on birth in America. More than promoting home birth, the documentary began as a journey of discovery about birth in hospitals and at home showing very different experiences by the mothers- not in favor of hospitals I might add. It's a documentary that informs parents about how birth is big business for hospitals and sheds light on why there is such a dramatic increase in c-sections. Hospitals are run by risk-management teams and insurance companies so it doesn't leave much flexibility of choices for women.

I believe it's time that that women had a choice in birth in America and I'm happy that we, as a society, are talking about it again. Either out of fear or ignorance (or both), we have given up our rights to have choices in birth. To experience birth is a right of passage for women and should be considered sacred and handled respectfully, as should the newborn child. We all agree that we want our babies born safely, every mother wants that regardless where she gives birth. Every woman should give informed consent for every procedure that is done to her or her baby.

How has giving birth changed you?

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